22 Things to do While Social Distancing

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1. Do your Spring cleaning

Clear out your closet, redecorate/rearrange your room, dust all the nooks and crannies, sanitize all surfaces, and clean out that junk drawer I know you all have! Wash your bedding, clean those makeup brushes, go through all that stuff under your bed. Just clean. it. all.

2. Support a small business

Many small businesses have been hit hard during this time. If you’re online shopping to cure your boredom, please consider shopping small! While I will always advocate for patronizing small businesses, they need it now more than ever!

A few of my favorites:

Illustration by @realfunwow on Instagram

3. Break out a puzzle

Your classic indoor activity: puzzles! Whether you’re at a cabin, trapped inside during bad weather, or self-quarantining because you have flu symptoms, a puzzle is a great activity to keep you entertained while also exercising your brain.

4. Binge a tv show

It is time for some guilt-free Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and/or HBO binging! We all have a list of tv shows we keep meaning to watch but can’t find the time for. Well… now is the time!

5. Make art

My favorite indoor activity is some late-night painting. Pull out those paints and pencils and make some art! It doesn’t have to be good or public; make art for yourself and for your well-being. I have a series of tutorials on denim painting if that is something you wanted to try out.

6. Perfect your skincare routine

You all know I am obsessed with skincare. I even have a blog post about my 10-step routine! Do some research to find which products are best for you or use the products you already have and research what order you should be using them in.

7. Write letters to loved ones

If you have loved ones far away or people you aren’t able to see right now, writing a letter can be a really sweet, personal way of connecting with them.

8. Play with your pets

Your animals can sense your stress/anxiety and maybe aren’t getting the attention they usually do. Make time for your pets! Play with your cats and dogs, let your hamster roll around in it’s ball, clean your fish’s tank, care for your reptiles, let your birds…out? I’ve never had a bird.

9. Tend to your plants

While I water my plants once every 1-2 weeks, I’m not always great about tending to them regularly. By that I mean re-potting plants that have outgrown their current pot, cutting away dead leaves, aerating the soil so water can reach the roots more easily, and adding some fresh soil to the top.

10. Read a book

Start a new book you’ve been wanting to read or pick up an old one that has been neglected (guilty). If you like futuristic/dystopian novels, may I suggest Ready Player One, Handmaids Tale, and/or Fahrenheit 451.

11. Take an online class

There are quite a few free and paid resources for online education. It doesn’t need to be through a university! Try Duolingo to learn a new language or Udemy or Skillshare to learn a new skill in almost any topic.

12. Discover new blogs

Now that you have more time at home, you can dig into those blogs you’ve always loved but never spend time reading. Looking for new ones? One of my favorites is A Beautiful Mess – they have a ton of fun DIY activities!

Elsie + Emma of A Beautiful Mess

13. Meal prep

Don’t rush to the grocery store and hoard food, but instead buy your share of food that will last you a couple weeks or so. Prep your meals and put them in the freezer! It’s an easy way to keep your food fresh for longer and makes it easy to re-heat quickly if you’re currently working from home.

14. Practice Self-care

Take some time for yourself during this time of heightened anxiety. Draw yourself a bath, do a sheet mask, stretch, or anything else that you consider self-care!

15. Make a savings plan

Now is the time to do those things you’ve been putting off but you know will make your life better once you do them. Making a plan for how to budget and save up seems like a daunting task, but you will feel great once it is done (I’m talking about myself because I need to do this, too!).

16. Create a vision board

Did you miss out on the vision board madness at the start of the year? It’s not too late to make one! I started a vision binder, but then life happened and I put it off. It’s something I intend to work on more over the next month.

17. Try meditation

If you’re feeling anxious about the current situation, meditation might help bring you some inner peace and calmness. I have the best days when I start with 5-10 minutes of meditation. The Headspace app is my go-to for guided meditation.

18. Have a solo dance party

This is definitely part of my self-care routine. Put down your phone, turn up the music, and have a one-person dance party! Dancing is good for your mental well-being and even sneaks in some exercise.

19. Group video chat

It can be hard to isolate yourself if you’re a social person. While a video chat isn’t a replacement for real human, face-to-face contact, it can really help to make you feel less alone! Just seeing someones face on a screen vs. talking or texting makes a big difference.

20. Move your body

Self-quarantining/social distancing doesn’t have to mean being a couch potato or sitting at your desk all day. Find some time in the day to get a mini or full workout in! There are endless Youtube videos for workouts that can be done at home without equipment like Blogilates and Yoga With Adriene.

21. Plan a trip

This may seem counter-intuitive considering most flights are canceled and countries are closing their borders, but it can still be fun to daydream. I wouldn’t recommend booking flights or anything like that, but researching destinations for far-in-the-future trips can be a fun way to transport yourself to another place while sitting at home.

22. Spend time in your backyard

Fresh air and sunshine are important! If you are able to get outside while still being safe and cautious (like being in your backyard), then walk around a bit, bask in the sunshine to get some Vitamin D, and breath in the fresh air. Please refer to the sources linked in red at the top of this page for guidance on going outside beyond your yard.

Take this time for yourself! Protect yourself and others by social distancing and 100% self-quarantining if you are feeling sick.

Stay healthy, friends!


I’m a travel blogger and photographer from the San Francisco Bay Area, splitting my time between there and Santa Barbara. I love to share comprehensive guides about my travels, with a focus on all things sun, sea, and beach! When I’m not exploring new destinations (probably somewhere by the coast), I love being home with my husband and two fluffy kitties, Captain Jack and Sparrow.


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